Beaufort Psychological Services
I operate in two different spheres. In one, I assist people on their mental health journey through therapy. In the other, I work with individuals and organizations in a diagnostic capacity, providing tailored psychological or psychoeducational testing. Additionally, I offer educational advocacy support to families with school-aged children.
Available Services
Individual Counseling
Youth and Adults (10+)
Individual Counseling or Therapy provides professional assistance in coping with personal problems, including emotional, behavioral, vocational, marital, educational, rehabilitation, and life-stage (e.g., retirement) problems. Individual counseling services include: •Clinical interview (1 session) •Regularly scheduled 50-minute appointments (frequency determined by individual needs and clinician recommendation) •Counseling is offered in-person and via telehealth
EMDR Therapy
Teens and Adults (16+)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from different treatment approaches. EMDR therapy services include: •History taking and treatment planning •Preparation development resources & coping skills •Assessment of target(s) •Desensitization using Bilateral Stimulation •Installation of new positive beliefs •Clear body scan without disturbance •Closure and mindfulness of any related material •Examining the progress of the treatment •Regularly scheduled 50-minute appointments (frequency determined by individual needs and clinician recommendation) •EMDR therapy is offered in-person and via telehealth
Neuropsychological, Academic, and Behavioral Assessments
Youth and Adults
Our fees are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Types of assessment include:
learning disabilities
difficulty with attention and concentration
Psychoeducational Evaluations
Psychoeducational Evaluation identifies factors that may have an impact on any aspect of an individual's learning. This assessment is used to determine the individual's learning profile. Psychoeducational evaluation services include: •Clinical interview •Formal assessments of cognitive abilities and assessment of individual academic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. •Cross-battery assessment and Cattell-Horn-Carol (CHC) theory interpretive technique with statement of strengths and weaknesses profile. •As needed, based on individual assessment plan, specific diagnostic assessment regarding social-emotional, executive function, personality, learning, functional communication, and adaptive function. •Review of results and written report with recommendations.
Educational Advocacy
and Consultation
An educational advocate works with students, parents, and educational institutions to support students' needs, interests, and educational rights. We are available to meet with you regarding any concerns about your child's academic progress, review school testing, IEP, or other paperwork, or discuss if an evaluation may be appropriate at this time.